Just wondering how much the refs were paid to throw all the flags against the Chiefs today.
Lisa B – lbirn96622@aol.com
I am sick and tired of the NFL referees screwing teams over!!!! They have cost the Chiefs numerous games because of their BS calls!!!! If they can’t be fair to both teams playing then they have no business refereeing any professional sports games!!!!! The referees have rigged too many games and enough is enough!!!!! They need to be fired , every single one of them!!!!
Steven Solimando – Steven.solimando@aol.com
Yesterday I had a bet to win 10 grand on the Chiefs. As you know the game was just about over after Chris Jones sacked Matt Ryan. 25 seconds later a “unsportsmanlike” flag was thrown, and that proceeded to make the colts win. The reason after the game was “foul and abusive” language. We all know that language like that is said on every play with grown men tackling and basically fighting each other for 60 min every Sunday. So my question is, did the ref bet the colts? Is there funny business going on? Why did I not win my 10 grand cause he threw that flag! I would like an answer. I won’t stop until I get a answer. I will expose these refs that are betting on the game and changing the outcome.
James Ahern – jahern197@gmail.com
Chiefs versus Bengals AFC championship game. Hit on a fair catch, 25 yard penalty, same possession, hit out of bounds, 25 yard penalty. Both obvious and no calls. How many games do I need to call up in this season that called that? Fines for the Refs. , How much money did you cost that team? It should come out of their paycheck and the NFLs. We will discuss this further.